Warner Park Recovery Center – Woodland Hills Mental Health

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DMT can produce several effects, feelings, and experiences with some as follows:

  • Hearing, smiling, or feeling things that are not there (Hallucinations)
  • Strong delusions, beliefs that are not supported by reality.
  • An alteration in the sense of passing the time.
  • Cognitive distortions such as feeling on are invulnerable, leaving their body, surrounded by an environment that is not there or has become something else that is not human.
  • Heightened perceptual experiences of colors, sounds, and touch.

It is important to note that individuals that experience these symptoms without being under the influence of drugs or alcohol may be suffering from other neurological problems such as head injury, stroke, or psychotic disorder.

DMT usually comes in powder form. It can be smoked, vaporized, injected, or snorted. It can also be ingested in a tea called ayahuasca, a ceremonial tea made from the leaves of native South American plants. When snorted or smoked, the effects of DMT begin immediately and last up to one or two hours. When the drug is ingested by drinking, the effects take longer to begin but can last for four to six hours.

DMT Risks and Side Effects

DMT is often used with the intention to expand the mind or grow one’s current state of consciousness. This does not change the use of the drug and comes with its own set of negative side effects and potential dangers. While many DMT users report pleasant feelings and experiences, the drug can also produce unpleasant and frightening experiences, psychological dependence, and death when combined with other types of drugs and risk factors.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, some of the side effects of DMT include:

  • Dilated pupils and rapid eye movement
  • Issues with anxiety and panic attacks
  • Increased heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure
  • Nausea, Diarrhea, and vomiting
  • Extreme dehydration
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Unconsciousness

DMT usage can have long-term negative effects on individuals diagnosed with a pre-existing mental health condition such as psychosis, anxiety, depression, mood swings, and suicidal ideation. It is also possible for those who become unconscious during the use of DMT t experience serious health complications such as

  • Asphyxiation
  • Seizure
  • Damage to major body systems, including the central and nervous systems, which house the brain and spinal cord.
  • Addiction and Long-term substance abuse and dependency
  • Flashbacks and repercussions of negative symptoms from experiencing traumatic events.

The Risk of Serotonin Syndrome

DMT produces its euphoric and hallucinogenic effects by altering serotonin receptors in the brain. When taken with other drugs that affect serotonin as well, the levels can cause a lethal condition known as serotonin syndrome.

Serotonin Syndrome occurs when the body accumulates an excessive amount of serotonin. The risk of developing his condition for those who are on psychiatric medications such as SSRI antidepressant are at high risk of developing this condition.

Symptoms of moderate serotonin syndrome include.

  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Fever
  • Body Tremors
  • Trouble balancing and coordination.
  • Confusion
  • Changes in blood pressure

In severe cases of Serotonin syndrome, individuals can experience seizures, kidney failure, respiratory distress and failure, and in some cases, death.

Withdrawal Symptoms of DMT

Withdrawal symptoms vary in users of DMT depending on both internal and external factors such as environment, age, weight, preexisting health conditions, and quantity of usage. The APA reports that tolerance and dependence upon hallucinogenic drugs do exist. There are currently no formal withdrawal symptoms associated with the use of DMT, but physical and emotional dependence in chronic uses may result in symptoms of

  • Feelings of fatigue, a lack of motivation, and apathy
  • Agitation, irritability, and jumpiness
  • Mood swings consisting of anxiety and depression.
  • Craving to use DMT

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