Addiction refers to substance abuse that someone is not able to control. In most cases, the person is aware that they are harming themselves but they find that they are powerless against the pull of the addictive substance. The range of addiction is broad and does not only refer to drugs or alcohol. Some people are addicted to physical activities, gambling, working, eating, among others.
The path that leads to addiction is a slippery slope. Many people will take substances out of curiosity, but this can involve using the substances over and over again until it results in addiction.
There are many neurological explanations behind why people are unable to have control over the urge to use addictive substances. It also explains why many individuals go back to using drugs even after seeking and completing an addiction treatment program.
It is essential to realize that there is a distinction between addiction and overuse. Overuse refers to the excessive use of substances without necessarily leading to addiction. For instance, one may binge drink, but be able to keep away from alcohol over consecutive days.
There are sure signs one should watch out for because they could be indicative of substance abuse. These include behavioral, psychological, and physical manifestations. Take note of the following:
When substance abuse becomes severe, someone can voluntarily seek help to stop. In other cases, there could be family or Court intervention, which could force the individual into treatment.
The treatment is more likely to succeed if someone chooses to do it themselves. It will come from the realization that the substance has become problematic and is affecting the quality of their life. An addict is not able to function well in all aspects of his or her life, whether at home, school, work, or any other area requiring social interaction.
Treatment and recovery is a lifelong process, and that is why you may find someone who knows the exact amount of time they have been sober. Many times you will hear an ex-addict say they have been sober for ten years, ten months, ten days, and 10 hours. Every day for an ex-addict is one that they can relapse, and that is why every day of sobriety is an achievement.
The type of treatment will depend on the individual’s requirements. The experts will go for the best option after a careful evaluation.
Some of the treatment options available include:
Detoxification is the first step in working towards cleaning the body of the addictive substance while making sure that the withdrawal symptoms do not result in a fatality. Usually it involves the use of medication to reduce the negative effects of the withdrawals. Things to expect during withdrawal may include;
Once the body is clean of the addictive substances, the next step is therapy. Healing could be an individual, group, all family therapy. There are different kinds of treatment, and they include:
Rehab is a long-term treatment and works towards keeping an individual substance-free and equipping them with the skills to become functioning individuals of society. There are specific options, an individual can consider.
Addiction self-help groups are an important resource of recovery for two reasons. First, they’re effective. Millions of people have recovered through them. Second, they’re free and universally available. Almost every country, every city, every cruise ship has a 12 step group. There are many other kinds of recovery supports, including doctors, therapists, addiction counselors, and treatment programs. Some groups include;
Someone with a substance abuse problem can take medication continuously. While in the initial stage, the drugs are useful for dealing with withdrawal symptoms, an individual may continue to use them on a more prolonged basis. Some medications will reduce the cravings, thus making it possible for the individual to keep away from the addictive substances. Medications can include;
If you fear yourself or a loved one may be suffering from a mental health or addiction disorder, our assessment tool may be of use. Although our assessments cannot replace a diagnosis from a trained medical professional, they can help determine how many symptoms a person is experiencing for any addiction or mental health disorder.
There is no reason to wait. If you have any reason to suspect you or someone around you may be dealing with a severe addiction or mental health disorder, take our assessment and reach out to us today!
Our approach to substance abuse is client-centered because we understand that every individual has a unique need. Our ways are useful because we collaborate with the patients to come up with a workable method. We do not judge. Instead, we empathize with our clients, seek to motivate them, and most of all, we focus on finding a solution.
We carry out a careful evaluation of our clients to understand whatever issues they could be going through. Once we understand the underlying mental conditions, we come up with achievable goals. All our activities have the aim of equipping the client and their family members on how to cope.
The journey of recovering from substance abuse is not a one-person battle. It requires that the client, the family members, or those in their circles come together to find a solution. If you may be struggling with substance abuse, we will be able to help. Contact us for more information so that we can start the journey of recovery together.
Alcoholism is silently on the rise in America. While all eyes have been on the opioid epidemic, rates of alcoholism have nearly tripled. The good news is that there is hope in sobriety.
On average, almost 200 people die every day from a drug-related overdose. Many of these deaths involve opioids, a powerful class of narcotic painkillers that lead many of its users down a dangerous path of destruction.
Benzodiazepines, or benzos for short, are sedative medications that are used to treat anxiety that is highly addictive. In recent years, benzos have played an increasing role in many of the accidental overdoses that occur daily.
Cocaine is a powerful amphetamine that can become highly addictive and an expensive habit to combat. Crack-cocaine, a cheaper alternative is even more addictive and can end up costing just as much due to its powerful grip.
Heroin is typically known for its euphoric effect and dangerous physical effects that can many times lead to an accidental overdose. With the opioid epidemic continuing ahead, heroin addiction is expected to continue to rise.
Crystal Meth is an amphetamine narcotic that is typically made using common farming supplies and cough medications. This highly addictive stimulant can cause extensive physical damage to its user’s appearance.
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