Warner Park Recovery Center – Woodland Hills Mental Health

Why Therapy is Important for Substance Abuse in Rehab

You have determined to beat this addiction. This time will not be as before when you fell off the horse and went back to old habits. Have you considered therapy as addiction treatment?

The nature of relapses

Despite what outsiders may think, avoiding relapse is not merely a matter of having strong willpower. The chemical makeup of your body changes when you abuse drugs and alcohol. Thus, it may be the case that you slip back into your old mindset and begin carrying out the habits that led to your addiction and need for rehab in the first place.

Detox is effective at getting the drug out of your system. The process does not, however, automatically mean that you will never crave the substance again. In fact, many former abusers have a strong desire for alcohol and drugs, which once ruled their lives, not long after going through a detox session.  It is imperative, then, that you do more than cleanse your system of the toxins.

The mind is always busy

Toxicity, in many ways, begins and ends with your mind. You believed that you can get rid of your addiction, which is why you sought help in the first place. Still, there is a small voice that tells you that the change is only temporary. Such negative thinking becomes greater the more than you entertain such a perspective. Soon enough, your minor negative thought has turned into a giant that spews the toxin of doubt and inevitable failure on all of your efforts.

You need something to tame the ever-thinking and active mind. Therapy is the ideal option because of its ability to alter your mind’s process so that you are more likely to exude positive vibes.

Therapy options

Cognitive behavior therapy can help you get down to the bottom of why you decided to abuse drugs and alcohol in the first place. He can also help you recognize the signs of relapse so that you can avoid the spiral or, at a minimum, cut the relapse short. Imagine yourself being capable of understanding that your depression triggers an urge for you to drink too much alcohol. You could find other means to deal with your pain instead of resorting to the familiar.

There are also group therapy sessions, which may prove beneficial for the former abuser and his family. Despite what some choose to believe, substance abuse is not an individual act. You may be the only person addicted. Your family, however, is not immune to your pain. They feel your turmoil and endure many trials on account of hoping that you get the help you need. A group session of therapy is a safe place for your loved ones to honestly share how they felt during your addiction and how they feel now that you have kicked your habit.

You should not expect a group session to be a walk in the park. Some family members will be brutally honest about their experience, which is why the counselor’s presence matters. The therapist can ensure that the conversation does not become a bashing session that takes you back to a dark place that may lead to a relapse.

Let Warner Park Recovery help!

Warner Park Recovery is a facility specifically for those suffering from mental illness and substance abuse. Our services extend beyond residents living in the Woodland Hills area to Calabasas, Topanga Canyon, and Thousand Oaks. We offer partial day and intensive outpatient care designed to get you through the process.

You do not have to go through recovery on your own. Let the professionals at Warner Park Recovery help with addiction treatment. Contact us today.

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